Welcome to VCC online's finest Chat facility or "Guestbook 2" if you prefer. Post some comments, abuse your team mates, spend a whole day pretending to be Bomb: Whatever takes your fancy really.
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  • You can embed an image using the image button in the editor or you can use special "guestbook markup" like this: [http://TheUrlOfMyImage.com/myImage.jpg@IMG]
  • You can embed a youtube clip using some special "guestbook markup" like this: [h8Ytghv@YouTube] where "h8Ytghv" is the id of the clip you want to embed.
  • You can't use HTML in the editor anymore - post images using the markup or the link in the editor and format text like you would in Word.
  • Try not to paste stuff directly from Word into the editor - it tends to fuck things up.
  • You should never need to refresh the page - it checks for new messages every 10 seconds. If things go screwy though - try a refresh.
  • The Guestbook shows one day of chat at a time - use the links at the bottom to move between days.
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